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Urinary Tract

Bio-Care - c.p.227 - 40GR powder - Cranberry and Acidophilus - Urinary Tract

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Cranberry Extract Powder, Vitamin C, and Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

Lactobacillus acidophilus fermented in the intestines of humans is known to have a positive effect on intestinal health.

Pharmaceutical companies isolate the acid from blueberries and produce a drug to treat cysts in women. 


* Blueberries help maintain the health of the urinary system.

* Immune system needs vitamin C in its fight against bacteria.

* Vitamin C is needed for healing and regeneration of tissues.

* The product is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

User manual:

Spoon flat with a glass of juice or water once a day before the meal.

Label against:

Care should be taken according to the instructions.


40 g of powder.