DR.K - 30ML - Amoris - for Hemorrhoids
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In the rectal area, there are venous blood vessels that can sometimes and for various reasons swell, dilate, stretch, grow and come out of the anus when in those swollen and bloody veins called hemorrhoids there is a great feeling of discomfort and even pain.
Active Ingredients: Horse Prostate Seed Extract (Aesculus Chinensis), Root Peony Extract (Paeonia lactiflora), Krameria Lappacea Extract
Inactive components: water, alcohol
The herbs in the formula:
Hernia, peony root, and horse prostate seeds have been known since the 16th century as herbs that help to quickly deal with hemorrhoids and their symptoms, by increasing the tone of the veins that help shrink hemorrhoid, improving blood flow in the veins, strengthening capillaries, reducing edema and edema. Ringing and soothing the itching and burning sensation.
User manual:
10 drops in a quarter cup of water every two hours.
Depending on the situation, take-up margins can be increased.
If necessary, taking can be reduced to an hour.
Capacity: 30 ml
Kosher: Under the supervision of Badatz Mehadrin - Rabbi Rubin
Dr. Kay's products are nutritional supplements, approved for production by the Ministry of Health in terms of the safety of using their components only!