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Back Pain

Health Carpet - Professionals Back Pain

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mattress combined with 6000 points click the treatment of pain, improved circulation, improved sleep process, reducing inflammation and relief of back pain treatment and violate convenient way to integrate your home or office. 

Health Carpet Shakti Mat 
Modern Pakir Bed The modern

health carpet is the unfolding of the Russian bed and nails and the treatment of pains that were common in the world. During the 1980s, the bed of nails began to be used in Russia, where it was used in the health system, which led to excellent results. It was mainly the use of a back-belt shape that produced great results and has been used to this day. One of the weaknesses of the belt was the fact that the pressure points were used from iron spikes that sometimes even injured the patients.

Further studies of the results of the bed of nails made in hospitals in Russia show amazing results. Studies have found that the bed of nails reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system improves tissue restoration, increases the metabolic level and reduces stress levels. The Russian doctors were amazed that such a simple instrument could have an amazing and rapid effect on the body. 

But that's not all! Psychological changes also appeared: the 

levels of aggression were reduced and levels of tolerance increased, depression disappeared and a general sense of good feeling and happiness developed. 

People who exercise on a daily basis and suffer from persistent physiological stress on their bodies have reported tremendous release of muscles, improved energy and relaxation that accompanied them. 

People with sleep problems reported a calmer, calmer sleep. 

Lie with a bare body and the sensitive or painful part of the carpet for 15-20 minutes. This process can be repeated twice a day