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fat loss diet

Miko Pitt (60 capsules) fat loss diet Laboratories My Herbs

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A unique blend of powerful medicinal mushrooms, Chinese herbs and green tea extracts. 
The fungi are rich in non-soluble beta-glucan fiber, known to help
For weight loss,
To balance blood sugar levels,
To lower LDL cholesterol levels,
To create a sense of satiety
And support for natural flora in the intestines.
Green tea extract and Chinese mandarin peel improve the absorption of nutrients and improve digestion, thus contributing to a sense of lightness in the body and helping to lose weight.
Reishi calms the mind and thus supports the emotional and mental aspects of the slimming process, as well as improves the quality of sleep, protects the liver cells and improves their functioning, thus helping to process fat breakdown.
Maitaka regulates gastrointestinal activity, purifies heat that causes increased hunger and irritability and eliminates toxicity. In addition, it balances your blood sugar and blood levels, preventing high blood sugar levels and stabilizing your appetite.
Shitake supports liver health and reduces stress, helps the maitaka regulate blood sugar levels and supports the production of qi and blood, thus preventing fatigue and over-appetite. Shataki has an anti-aging effect that helps the body maintain tissue vitality and maintain skin elasticity and firmness in the slimming process, thus preventing droppings and wrinkles.
Fu ling supports calming the mind and prevents fluid retention.

The combination of Reishi, Maytaka and Shataki mushrooms regulates appetite, improves syrucation, lowers cholesterol and improves the body's ability to get rid of toxins. The addition of Lu cha, Chen pi and Fu ling reinforces the spleen and germs the stomach, helping the body to release excess and moisturizing fluids and to treat fullness in the middle tube.

1 capsule, two to three times a day.

Under the supervision of the Galilee Galilee Rabbinate