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honey bees Rss feed to repair the damage caused by smoking

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assistance in dealing with the effects of smoking. Cleans the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, including the lungs. Helps stimulate mucous regeneration and prevent respiratory problems caused by smoking. 
These qualities of the zachal were achieved by controlled feeding of bees with a mixture of medicinal plants for medicinal purposes known for their appropriate medical properties to help cope with respiratory disorders.

Recommended dosage:
One teaspoon (5 g) twice daily. 
In severe cases the dose may be increased to six teaspoons a day (two teaspoons morning, two tablespoons at noon, two teaspoons in the evening) to achieve significant relief. 
For maximum effect, suck Slowly, he snickered.

Warnings: Do
not use by people who are sensitive to honey and / or other hive products. 
Do not let children under 2 years old. 
Diabetics should consult with a doctor before using Chachamal.

Capacity: 120 grams