Some small ones, this is how important: The feet not only carry our body weight, they are also responsible for posture, movement in space and adaptation to different levels: smooth, sloping, rough, bony and so on.
These important functions are made possible by the complex structure of human feet, which includes a large number of bones, joints, nerves, sweat glands, and soft tissues, in relation to their size and size. This unique structure allows them to carry great weight, maintain equilibrium, and be flexible and stable at the same time. But this is also why they can hurt, hurt, and smell bad. Some of these troubles are the result of illnesses or health conditions, but sometimes the symptoms are related to wearing inappropriate shoes.
10 Facts to Know About and Treatment of Feet and Pain:
- Among gulls and locks, according to medical data, about 75% of us have suffered, suffer or suffer from pain in the feet, dryness of the skin, burning sensation, circumcision, swelling, warts, rough skin, wounds, sports injuries or other problems in the feet.
- An adult person, on average, takes between 4,000 and 6,000 steps a day. This is why at the end of the day our feet reach their peak size. Therefore, when measuring new shoes, it is advisable to do so after walking or exercising.
- The human leg contains 26 bones, 33 joints, tens of muscles and tendons, and about 8000 nerves. Both feet together have about a quarter of the number of bones in the body.
- Feet have long become synonymous with bad odor. This is because the foot contains about one million million sweat glands, which is particularly fond of fungi and bacteria. Locking shoes over long hours and lack of ventilation, encourage sweating and also the culture of bacteria and fungi.
- To reduce the risk and the way to prevent bad odor, it is advisable to wash your feet frequently, dry thoroughly, and apply a therapeutic ointment.
- The cumulative load placed on the feet during the day equals several hundred tons, and four times when running.
- The lower part of the foot is lined with collagen and elastin. These are materials that give the skin its elasticity, but as is known, the production of these materials has diminished over the years. This is why the bottom of the foot gets thinner with age and increases the risk of leg pain, especially when wearing shoes or sandals with thin soles. To prevent such pain, it is recommended to insert insole into shoes.
- Standing in place is much more tiring than walking because the load is placed on a certain number of muscles for a longer period of time.
- Walking in high heels creates a heavy load on the front of the foot and fingers. The result can be harsh: from foot and back pain to irreversible deformities in the feet, such as the Hallux Valgus, which can only be repaired by surgery. The recommendation is to move to flat shoes, comfortable and preferably also with shock absorbers, or at least reduce the number of hours walking on heels.
- Durban is the popular name given to pain and inflammation at the bottom of the feet, usually in the heel. The common causes of foot pain are: standing, walking, and running for long periods of time, especially on hard surfaces, obesity which causes increased pressure on the straps in the feet, locking of shoes with stiff soles, and more. The treatment includes locking soft and comfortable shoes, anti-inflammatory drugs, stretching exercises, and more.