Obnoxious cough: When the cough troubles you

Obnoxious cough, by medical definition, is a distressing cough that lasts over three weeks. What are the causes of a troublesome cough, when should a doctor be approached and how can the cough be relieved by natural means?

troublesome cough

In short, it's most important to know:
  1. A cough lasting over three weeks defined as a coughing or chronic cough.
  2. There are many reasons for a troublesome cough, some of them age-dependent, including illnesses, medication use, health effects and the like.
  3. There are various remedies that can relieve cough, some in a doctor's prescription, others can be purchased without a prescription and there are natural remedies, grandmother remedies, that can be made alone at home.

A cough is a minor nuisance: it bothers during the day, wakes from sleep at night, is loud, attracts attention, and is sometimes embarrassing. Especially when he goes on for weeks and refuses to leave. Obnoxious cough is a chronic cough according to its medical definition, ie one that lasts over three weeks.

Cough is a reflex, a natural reaction of the body designed to remove particles and various factors that have infiltrated the respiratory system. This may be due to irritation which is the result of infiltration of allergenic contaminants or substances or to excrete the mucus created in the respiratory system.

Cough is divided into two main types: acute cough, which is usually the result of respiratory infectious disease. Colds, flu, flu, and winter diseases are a prime example. It is a cough that usually lasts several weeks.

The second type is a cough that does not stop as the disease passes. It is a chronic cough, as mentioned, which can have many causes that are usually dependent on the cough's age and lifestyle. Here are some of the common causes of a troublesome cough:

Obnoxious cough caused by smoking: Certainly smoking is the main cause of the cough in question, which has even been nicknamed “smoking cough”. One of the known smoking damages is the damage to the particle removal mechanism that is inhaled into the body. A mechanism consisting of delicate debris whose function is to trap the irritating substances that penetrate the airways. When destroyed, due to smoking, most of the cigarette smoke inhalations remain in the airways, especially in the lungs. Destruction of the rubble, along with the cigarette smoke irritation results in increased formation of mucus and mucus that is not eliminated from the body.

Obstructive cough caused by lung disease, such as cancer, COPD, etc.:  Smoking is considered to be a major cause of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer, and pertussis and chronic cough are among the major symptoms, so these diseases should be suspected.

Side effects of various medicines: There are quite a few medicines whose side effect is a dry and persistent cough, which means that it is troublesome and chronic throughout the period of taking the medicine. Drugs used to reduce blood pressure are the most common medications that have known side effects of a persistent cough.

Obstructive cough caused by reflux:  heartburn, hoarseness, and cough are clear signs of the reflux phenomenon - the return of gastric acids and gastric juices to the esophagus and oral cavity due to weakening of the stomach bracket muscle which should prevent this. The penetration of gastric juices that enter the oral cavity can penetrate the airways and cause a typical irritation and cough.

Obnoxious cough as a response to respiratory disease:  Allergy (chronic rhinitis), sinus congestion, and asthma are three common illnesses, especially in children and adolescents, but adults can also suffer from them. Common to the three diseases is the formation of congestion, mucus, mucus, and respiratory tract.

When should you consult a doctor?

Beyond being a nuisance in itself, the cough can impair the quality of life, interfere with sex life, cause involuntary urination, cause chest pain and abdominal pain, and more. So, you should contact your doctor and get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Also, there are other, rare, and largely age-dependent factors - especially when it comes to children or third parties. Whether one of the factors mentioned is known or there is no clear reason for a cough lasting over 3 weeks - the recommendation is to seek medical attention.

Another reason why you should consult a doctor is to make a diagnosis and start specific drug treatment for the disease you are suffering from. Such as taking antacids or drugs that reduce acid production (both prescription and non-prescription) for the treatment of gastric reflux, herbal remedies and sprays, containing steroids or antihistamines, to relieve congestion and respiratory tract, in cases of allergic rhinitis, asthma, sinusitis and the like.

How can I cure a troublesome cough?

As mentioned, in many cases, the treatment is derived from the cough party. But there are also natural and cure options for cough relief that can be effective regardless of factors. These include:

  • Prescription drugs, without a doctor's prescription, taken as syrup or pills
  • Cough suppressants, which are prescribed by a doctor
  • Granny remedies for coughing, such as:
  • Home-made syrups that make onions and honey, ginger and honey, vinegar and honey, thyme and honey, licorice and honey and the like
  • Herbal infusions are known as disinfectants and cough relievers, such as thyme ginger and cardamom.


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