Didn't you finish the job tomorrow and have to ask for a rejection? Trying to concentrate for hours but unable to go ahead and write one bright sentence? You seem to be under pressure ... mental pressure. Mental stress or stress (stress) is the way our body responds to mental or environmental physical stimuli. In a state of mental stress, our body goes out of balance and body defenses go into high gear. The stimulus can be thought-based, that is, in the mind of the person only and has no real grasp of reality, or it is real and realistic and causes a kind of "threat" to the person.
The nervous system of a person under mental stress does not remain indifferent to the condition and releases a wave of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol - a hormone that releases when the body is in tension. The body, in fact, goes into an emergency, the manifestations of which are rapid heartbeat, energy supply to muscles, increase in blood pressure, changes in the digestive system, and refinement of the senses. The purpose of all these is to prepare the body for the "fight or run" response, which is typical of dangerous situations. These body reactions are effective in the short term, but over time, when repeated, they can harm them. The mental stress that persists over time and is left untreated can cause damage to health and various health conditions, which is why it is also known as the "father of illnesses".
pressure? Stress? At a low level, they can also benefit
It is important to note that normal stress levels at low doses can be even positive. Sometimes working under pressure can make us do our job best. Do you have a deadline to finish the presentation? Did you clear the time, didn't postpone everything for the last minute, and set out the cause for the cause? You will probably complete everything on time and successfully.
What are the causes of mental stress?
Negative Thoughts - Many times, and not always rightly, we think about our level of functioning negatively, thoughts that cause us stress or emotional stress. It also depends on one's personal characteristics and perception. If the boss is angry with us, the reason is not necessarily our level of functioning, it can completely be related to it. A person who is mentally stressed may think that is the reason and will have trouble getting out of the vicious circle he enters.
Tasks and More Tasks - In the modern age we all live in, there are a host of tasks and tasks to do, some of them even complex and problematic: work, child care, family matters and more, all in a short and concurrent time. Sometimes even positive events that join this routine, such as a wedding, a bat mitzvah, a trip, will add to our full schedule and cause us emotional stress and extra stress.
Illnesses, injuries, traumas - anything that involves such unpleasant physical events, which can happen to us or close to us, can cause a great deal of mental stress.
Unexpected events - financial difficulties, job loss, illness, injuries, traumas, wars, divorce, and other significant life changes, such as moving home/work, graduating from school, and recruiting for the military, can cause emotional stress.
Personality characteristics - a tendency toward perfectionism, rigid thinking, inflexibility, loneliness, and pessimism can also contribute to creating great emotional stress.
Mental Stress: Symptoms
Think you're under mental pressure? The following symptoms will help you to look into the matter. Notice that a great deal of mental stress can become a lasting phenomenon so it is important to pay attention to the symptoms and treat ourselves.
Physical symptoms - chest pain, headache, loss of sexual desire, digestive problems, such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, dizziness, accelerated heart palpitations, skin diseases such as eczema, acne, and acne, gum and tooth problems, muscle tightness, cold shaking, colds often. Cognitive symptoms - increased worry, memory problems, inability to concentrate, poor judgment, only negative side vision in everything. Emotional symptoms - mood swings, irritability, and anger, feeling loneliness, misery, depression, and anxiety. Behavioral Symptoms - Low Eating, Multiple Sleep or Sleep Disorders, Nail Fungus, Consumption of Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Drugs to Relax, Seclusion.
Download stress: This will ease your mental stress
Think Positive - Start working on yourself and try to turn the negative thoughts that come to your mind in a positive, reassuring, and optimistic way. When positive thinking becomes routine there is a change of consciousness and relief from the symptoms of mental stress.
Eat Healthily - You 'll be surprised, but there are foods that aren't good for your stress. It turns out that eating simple carbohydrates (such as white sugar, cookies), sweet snacks, caffeine and alcohol, refined oils and processed foods can aggravate the symptoms of mental stress. What do you recommend eating? Fresh fruits and vegetables, good quality protein, whole grains, containing vitamins B, legumes, and omega 3 fatty acids - these are essential substances for the body that strengthen it and allow it to function properly and in the nervous system. Consumption of healthy foods can help improve the level of mental stress.
Do sports? If not, it's time to start. Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood, cause worry distraction, release calming hormones, and break down the barrier of negative thoughts. Rhythmic activity, such as walking, running, swimming, and dancing, is particularly effective.
Just Relax - Try practicing relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, guided imagery, and meditation, which have been shown to be relaxing in stress and stress states. Such exercises can improve mood and reduce pain if any.
Does anyone take care of you? You don't have to deal with the mental tension alone. If the state of mental stress has increased, its symptoms are already evident and you feel that you need help, you can use a psychologist or behavioral therapist.
Herbs - There are different adaptogenic herbs that balance the body's reactions in stressful situations. These plants include components that reduce the secretion of stress hormones, such as cortisol. These plants include Ashwagandha, Valerian, chamomile, as an entity, and even a passionflower. In any case, it is advisable to consult an alternative therapist who will recommend the appropriate type of treatment.
More to the Ashwagandha plant:
Try Homeopathy - There are homeopathic remedies that can help with conditions of stress and mental stress, for example, naproxen, a homeopathic remedy that is not a cure and therefore has no fear of side effects or addiction and is relaxing both day and night. How can he help? Naproxen can improve states of restlessness, stress, and sleep disorders.
What do you like to do? It is useful to find a fun and relaxing activity and get it into the routine regularly. Meeting with beloved friends, attending a certain interesting course or course, going out for a lecture/movie/performance, or any kind of recreation that will ease your mental stress.
Relaxing Medications - If you have decided on conventional therapy, there are several types of sedatives for stress and mental states. They are given with a doctor's prescription.
Vitamins already are taken today? If not, you should read this: Vitamins and minerals have positive effects on lowering stress and mental stress. A review of the effects of vitamin B and magnesium, vitamin C, and zinc and omega 3 fatty acids on mood disorders found that these components had a positive effect on mental stress.
It is important to remember that we as people are different from one another, as are our reactions to the various episodes we face in our busy daily lives. While some people will experience great emotional stress due to a particular event, others may experience the event as a kind of positive, sometimes even empowering, experience.