What your joints need now

What types of exercise will help you improve joint function? What will strengthen the muscles and why is it important to also perform aerobic exercise when there is osteoarthritis?

  1. Exercise significantly reduces pain symptoms and improves function in those with joint problems
  2. The results are good for all types of physical activity: cardio exercises such as walking, weight-bearing exercises or resistance exercises
  3. There is no uniform "prescription" for the dosage of exercises and it is recommended to customize a program for each individual by a professional such as a physical therapist or a certified guide

Many people with osteoarthritis (“cartilage erosion”) report pain, stiffness, and movement restriction in daily life. The combination of stiffness and pain in the joints may prevent you from exercising, and it is a pity, as daily exercise can strengthen muscle, reduce joint exertion, and significantly relieve pain. In other words: Use exercise to better deal with cartilage erosion in joints.

For balance: Yoga and Tai Chi

When the joints are painful, we tend to lose coordination, our sense of position in space, and the equilibrium, sometimes to the point of tripping or falling. Stabilizing exercise like yoga or tai chi can restore your body to its lost balance. Yoga and Tai Chi improve awareness of body condition and therefore contribute to coordination, stability, and even relaxation. They also improve joint flexibility and muscle strength, thus contributing immediately to the proper functioning of the joints.

Controllable: Pilates                     

Pilates training will help you strengthen the muscles, especially the muscles that affect posture and increase the range of motion in the joints. Pilates is a great method of controlling pain and dealing with the symptoms of degenerative arthritis.

To reduce the risk of heart disease: walking

Walking is a simple and free exercise. It can be carried anywhere (especially in favorable Israeli weather). Some studies suggest an association between arthritis and the increased risk of cardiovascular disease:

During the walk, therefore, two birds will be caught in the blow - alleviate arthritis and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

To improve mood: Swimming

The water is great for relieving the load on the joints, strengthening and stretching muscles, and even for balance training. Swimming is an aerobic exercise helps in weight loss and improves mood. If there is a pool nearby you can go for a morning swim (preferably rowing or back style) or join a water gym. You can also simply walk in the water for half an hour when the water reaches the height of the thorax.

For a pleasant cardio effect: bicycle

The smooth, smooth movement of the pedal and the aerobic effect of riding make the bike a great tool for arthritis, with one reservation: If your inflammation is concentrated in the wrists, you may not be able to hold the bike handlebars for long. If your hands are strong enough to ride, take a ride on your bike. In addition, it is important to adjust the height of the bike to the characteristics of your joints in order to maintain a proper angle at the knees and hips.

Strengthening muscles: resistance exercises

To reduce the load from the joints it is important to strengthen the muscles around them. Muscle strengthening can be done using elastic-producing elastic bands or special equipment such as pushing a foot against resistance, Leg press in the gym. The body will tell you when to stop. Begin with slight resistance and slowly raise the level of difficulty. Try to exercise as many muscle groups as possible in training.

You can also stay home

If today you do not feel like going to the gym do not despair: the home environment will provide you with a variety of physical activities: cleaning, folding laundry, cooking, gardening - all exercise the body, slightly tighten the muscles and improve mood and coordination.

The information in the article above is for prevention recommendations only and does not constitute a medical opinion or substitute for professional medical advice. In the event of a medical problem, a qualified medical practitioner should be consulted for diagnosis and adjustment of treatment.

The author is a certified physical therapist for orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation, as well as lectures and develops training courses in colleges and schools.

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