Balanced nutrition, exercise, avoiding smoking, maintaining proper weight - all are well-known and proven recommendations for maintaining heart health. Although we have been aware of the importance of essential omega-3 fatty acids for heart protection for at least two decades, what is less known is how they affect and what their contribution is.
The health benefit of Omega 3 is one of the commonest consensus among professionals today. Many studies have shown an association between omega-3 intake and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, which is considered a major cause of mortality in the Western world. Many studies have found that the risk of heart disease can be prevented by changing lifestyle habits, especially by proper consumption of Omega 3. In fact, many studies have found that the higher the level of Omega 3 in the blood, the lower the risk of morbidity and mortality from heart disease.
How do you know how much Omega 3 you need?
In 2011, senior cardiologists in Israel, together with dietitians and dietitians from Futur, the dieticians and nutritionists in Israel, examined the variety of research and scientific evidence concerning heart health. In a position document released in April 2011, both unions detail their nutritional recommendations for preventing cardiovascular disease. Among other things, position paper editors list the benefits of Omega 3, and their main sources - seafood and nutritional supplements.
Among other things, nutritionists and cardiologists in Israel recommend:
- To prevent cardiovascular disease, the recommendation is to consume a variety of fish, preferably deep-sea fish (such as herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, etc.) at least twice a week. This recommendation is for those at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
- For people who do not consume fish at least twice a week, you may consider a diet supplement containing Omega 3 at a daily dose of about 1 gram per day. This recommendation is also for those at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
- To help treat high blood lipids (hypertriglyceridemia) the recommendation is to use nutritional supplements containing omega 3 at a daily dose of 2-4 grams per day, under medical supervision.
How does Omega 3 affect the heart?
Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids work in several ways to reduce risk:
- Anticoagulant - Omega 3 reduces the adherence of platelets and reduces the risk of blood clots forming in the arteries, helping to maintain dilated arteries.
- Lowering blood triglycerides - High levels of blood triglycerides are a risk factor for heart disease.
- Heart Rate Prevention - Omega 3 helps protect against heart arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation or hyperplasia, which is the estimated cause of heart attack.
- Prevention of inflammation - The accumulated scleral layer on the artery walls may become solid and release into the bloodstream, causing blood clots to form, which can cause arterial blockage and heart attack (myocardial infarction). The anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 stabilize the atherosclerotic layer of the heart arteries and reduce the risk of it rupturing.
- Artery Flexibility - The arteries of nutritional supplements containing Omega 3 are more flexible, reducing the risk of a heart attack.
- Hypertension - Regular omega-3 intake slightly reduces blood pressure. Reduced blood pressure reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
- Blood Viscosity - Omega 3 reduces blood viscosity, making it easier for the heart to pump blood into all parts of the body. A heart acting in a reduced effort reduces the risk of heart attacks.
Many studies have found evidence that omega-3 intake may reduce mortality rates from heart disease and cardiac arrest. The study found that among people who survived after a heart attack and consumed about 1 gram of omega 3 a day, the mortality rate was lower and that the level of blood omega 3 was inversely related to cardiovascular mortality.
A large study found that consuming fish at least once a week reduces the risk of sudden cardiac arrest by 48% and that omega 3 deficiency is one of the most significant risk factors responsible for deaths, in addition to smoking, trans fats consumption, obesity and more.
Therefore, as mentioned above, health organizations in Israel as well as the world recommend adding 1 gram of omega 3 a day, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It is important to emphasize that in studies that have examined the most effective way of consuming Omega 3 on a daily basis, it is evident that it is very difficult to consume the necessary amount through nutrition, and especially through eating fish. While taking nutritional supplements is a more convenient, equally effective, and safe way to use in pregnant women as well.